Psp 3.30

Psp 3. 30 HackHere is a pops compatibility list please add to it by leaving a comment if you can help with the list. PSX to PSP GLOSSARY. Pops The inbuilt PSX emulator for the. Vite Dcouvrez nos rductions sur loffre Jeux psp enfants sur Cdiscount. Livraison rapide et conomies garanties. PS3 multi. Man Additions Brewology PS3 PSP WII XBOX. MAN v. 04. 8. 1. 0. Fixed nethostnetiso issues on DEX CFW. MAN v. 04. 8. 1. 0. Added support for CFW 4. DEX. multi. MAN v. Added support for CFW 4. CEX. Added update for Stealth version. MAN v. 04. 8. 0. 0. Added support for CFW 4. Added update for Stealth version. MAN v. 04. 7. 8. 0. Fixed naming of FLASHLV1LV2 exports for CFW 4. Fixed EBOOT. BINSPRX patching for CFW 4. I/61YWCdkjClL._SX514_.jpg' alt='Psp 3.30' title='Psp 3.30' />Psp 3. Removes path redirections, removes bdmirror restores usb to normal mode and moves the last game played in bdmirror mode back to its location. Offers news on console related development, downloads, reviews, tutorials, and forums. Nonstop flights from IAH Houston TX This page lists destinations which are a non stop direct flight away from Houston TX IAH. The table is sortable click on the. F1 Challenge 99-02 Mod 2010 Download. Pspmg1000. Im frm india. PSP3006 slim from singapore. R2 and then CFW 3. After that also i got the. Psp 81617 npc. 2016525 135347 psp 815. Updated ShowtimeMovian to latest Bleeding Edge 0. Updated stealth. MAN multi. MAN Stealth version to 0. MAN v. 04. 7. 8. 0. Fixed crash when scanning for nethost ps. MAN v. 04. 7. 8. 0. Added support for CFW 4. Updated Japanese translation by Kyandudl. MAN v. 04. 7. 6. 0. Added support for CFW 4. Fixed BD Mirror for 4. DEX. multi. MAN v. Support for CFW 4. CEXDEX. FixedRemoved unused DYNAREC references. MAN v. 04. 7. 5. 0. Added Support for CFW 4. CEX. multi. MAN 0. Added Unload network and NTFS modules loaded by web. MAN on m. M startup. Fixed Create ISO from folder. Fixed Issue on Rebug when copying PS3. UPDAT. PUP. multi. MAN 0. 4. 7. 0. 0. Added support for CFW 4. Updated Danish translation by Chopsti. X. Updated MovianShowtime for m. M to 4. 9. 4. 30. Changes in multi. MAN 0. 4. 6. 6. 1. Fixed game covers for split ISO games. Fixed game backgrounds for ISO games. Fixed few issues introduced in. MAN 0. 4. 6. 6. 0. Fixed minor issue mm. CM. Added prompt to launch multi. MAN if mm. CM finds itself in non cobra mode. Improved support for 4. CEXDEX and 4. 6. CFW. Fixed issues with multiple USB HDDs on Cobra CFWs 4. Fixed black screensinvalid disc errors and other problems. Removed Habibs LV2 patches. MAN 0. 4. 6. 6. 0. Fixes issues with games like Shadow of Mordor it can be launched in JBfolder format from internalexternal now. Probably will fix issues with other JBfolder format games. Fix is for all standard CFWs and for cobra CFWs 4. CFWs. New pkg structure. MAN 0. 4. 6. 6. 0. Fixed issues with 4. CFW Cobra mm. CM and web. MAN. multi. MAN 0. Fixed issues with 4. CFW Cobra mm. CM and web. MAN. multi. MAN 0. It is aimed to cover all configurations for better compatibility. This one will utilize the USB Patch option in Settings used back in 3. BD Mirror option is applied and when AIOMOD is used. The actual change is only with point 4 when both options are enabled. COBRA firmwares only affects games on external USB HDD. Gta Vice City Car Mod more. BD Mirror USB Patch Both options disabled mm. CM will act the same as before all versions up to 0. X BD Mirror USB Patch Only BD Mirror selected no effect Same as before. BD Mirror X USB Patch Only USB patch selected no effect Same as before. X BD Mirror X USB Patch Both options enabled m. M will use the old bd mirror method moving PS3GAME to the root of the USB HDD. STANDARD firmwares. BD Mirror USB Patch Both options disabled multi. MAN will act the same as before all versions up to 0. X BD Mirror USB Patch Only BD Mirror selected Same as before AIOMOD. BIN is used for USB games and libfs. HDD games. 3 BD Mirror X USB Patch Only USB patch selected no effect Same as before. X BD Mirror X USB Patch Both options enabled AIOMOD. BIN is not used. m. M will use the old bd mirror method for USB games moving PS3GAME to the root of the USB HDD and libfs. HDD games. This will make m. M fully compatible with older and newer cobranon cobra firmwares, providing all possible options for all gamesenvironments. By using option 4 on standard firmwares the user wont have to manually deleterename AIOMOD. BIN, because it is needed by some games and other require the plain old bd mirror method. For example, to make the Mordor game work on Cobra from external USB HDD you will need option 4 enabled both BD Mirror and USB Patch options enabled for the game in settings. After you update to 0. If you experience issues with some external USB HDD games try options 2 and 4. When reporting problems, please make sure that you load multi. MANmm. CM after CLEAN REBOOT and do not use other appspatches before launching the game. If you use any app that disables syscallspsn patchersetc I cannot guarantee anything. MAN 0. 4. 6. 6. 0. Added BD Mirror on Cobra firmwares for external FAT3. USB HDD games. Fixed black screen games issues for newer games external HDD only. Updated libfs. sprx and explorerplugin. The updated exploreplugin. IEXP04. 60. BIN in USRDIRsys adds proper discless support for launching games from apphome to multi. MAN for CFWs 4. 6. MAN 0. 4. 6. 6. 0. Added Support for 4. CEX CFW. Added Support for 4. DEX CFW. Added Spoof for 4. Cobra firmwares do no use with Habib 4. Fixed some wrong memory offsets for non cobra firmware. Includes Showtime 4. MAN 0. 4. 6. 5. 0. Added support for 4. CEX CFW. Added support for Direct Disc Access for 4. CEX CFW. You should be now able to access all types of optical discs, that includes PS1 game discs, PS2 discs to backupconvert to classics, AVCHD discs for playback in Showtime or Blu ray to backup and later decrypt on a PC, including any DATA CDDVD with musicmovies. MAN 0. 4. 6. 5. 0. Added support for 4. CFW CEX. multi. MAN 0. Added support for CFW 4. MAN 0. 4. 5. 5. 0. Fixed USB bus scanning and reset for CFW 4. Updated Showtime for m. M to version 0. 4. Fixed few other things. MAN 0. 4. 5. 5. 0. Added support for 4. CFW tested by Habib. Added 4. 5. 5 spoof option to mm. CM do not use on non 4. CFW. Fixed downloading files from sendspace from the WEB column. Showtime 0. 4. 0. MAN 0. 4. 5. 3. 0. Names of local PS3 games in ISO format are properly displayed from PARAM. SFO. Names of network and NTFS PS3 games in ISO format are properly displayed from PARAM. SFO after you load them at least once. PS3 ISO games from NTFS drives will now show background and cover if loaded at least once. Added support for checking for game updates for network and NTFS PS3 games in ISO format. Last loaded gamevideo no networkntfs will be passed to web. MAN for auto load at next system start making last. GAME almost obsolete. While scanning for content, mm. CM will prepare data for web. MAN, too NTFS info, images and param. Upon launch, m. Mmm. CM will rescan your games and will cache images and other files. Small change to make m. M titleid independent in case you change it from the default BLES8. Downloading m. Mmm. CM updates is now titlename independent. In mm. CM mode in HOME column you now have Scan connected NTFS USB drives option. In case you didnt connect the drive before launching mm. CM you can use this option to refresh content from NTFS drives. For COBRA7 compatible firmwares CEX version only. Added support for PS3 games in ISO format from NTFS drives PS3. ISO folder. Added support for PS1 games in ISOBINCUE format from NTFS drives PSXISO folder. Added support for Blu ray movies in ISO format from NTFS drives BDISO folder. Added support for DVD video in ISO format from NTFS drives DVDISO folder. The only requirement is to have your NTFS formatted USB HDD connected to your PS3 when you start multi. MAN. 0. 4. 5. 3. 0. Added proper detection of COBRA7 firmwares 4. Added Check for updates for local PS3 games in ISO format. Added check when loading localnetwork PS3 games in ISO format if installed game update requires higher firmware version and fixes sprxselfeboot files. Added support for 4.